Ini aku temuin di sebuah forum (forumnya udah gak aktif lagi) ttg 2NE1. Tapi ada investigasi daragon disana. Jadi aku pengen share juga disini. Berhubung ni forum udah gak aktif, jadi investigasi-nya juga udah lama. Sekitar periode 2009-2010. Ejoy my dear applers 😀


by : knucklepink+mala

SO this came from GD’s perf, okay, so he holds up a paper which says “It’s time to shine” and the clock pointing at 5:30…

but who updated her me2day twice showing the time at 5:30AM?  DARA, of course!

this was during the day of GD’s birthday (awwww…sweet dara!):

and then next on August 24:

hmmmmm…what is it about 5:30 that these two dorks are referring to it?! maybe its the time they secretly rendezvous with each other…

♥Show Me Your Sign♥

by : hedone

skip investigasi pertama soalnya , video-nya udah di-blocked, dan aku gak tau ini yg di bahas video yg mana

here investigation number 2..  i have to thank MALA for the pic of BB and GD i used for this one

uhmmm this was during the let’s go party performance and i noticed that dara did the sign and i was like ok 2ne1 sign but then when the camera focused the 4 of them shes the only one doing that! HAHA then i remembered MALA’s post—GD seems to be the only one doing the pose too… ~~~~ is this now their official secret couple sign? kekek

here investigation number 3..

from this VIDEO (2ne1 TV sesion 1 – udah di blocked)

NOTE that TOP was actually behind them right? by the mirror –so in the next clip uhm 2:16-2:17 ~~~ish okay let me say 2:16.5 ish around that part it got cut right? but notice DARA was the one at the last? and she was looking somewhere OR POSSIBLY talking to SOMEONE before heading to top’s area

and GD was just right on that spot where she (dara) was looking.. right right????!!!???

and don’t you guys think its way too silly GD and DARA are long time friends.. right? thay said so themselves. but we only see bits of them interacting in YGtv… and when we do its all to awkward… YG is cutting all DARAGON moments i tell you Twisted Evil
that video above is one example

sekian dulu … part selanjutnya menyusul …

6 thoughts on “DARAGON STORY ^^ : Part 1

  1. heran bgt deh kok video daragon banya di block sih,, apa ini atas permintaan YG sendiri ya guna ngelindungin artis2ny,,,sumpah penasaran

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